Absolutely, because American foster parents are regulated by their state they live in. They are required to adequately feed, clothe and house minors. They are limited on how many children can sleep in one bedroom together and the gender of children sleeping in the same room together based on their ages. Foster children are taken care of by private organizations as well, helping them to secure supplies and resources.
Children raised by foster parents are granted a US government paid college education. They simply check a box on their FAFSA application.
The vast majority of American children in foster care homes can’t meet the requirements to make it into college. Children of divorce, separated by AFCC (Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, not at all conciliatory) AFCC 58th Annual Conference Brochure also have a hard time concentrating on their academics, and find it hard to meet college admissions requirements, but these unaccompanied minor children illegally crossing into the US are motivated and probably still have strong family ties back “home” to help them succeed (including cell phones).
Mexico is well known for keeping families together for so many very important reasons such as stability and protection. A family teaches a child to be caring, respectful and responsible, even well before that child is a teenager. Would parents in Mexico agree to give up their children to American foster families? Do they not see how we have failed American families? Do Mexico’s parents think American foster families succeed where other American families have failed so miserably?
The American AFCC separation of children from one or both parents has taught children how to avoid conflict, avoid failure, fear failure, fear conflict, and fear commitment with a learned expectation that relationships are doomed. Here at RaiseYourRights we call it the AFCC creation of “Parties of One”.
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