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Seeking Fairness for Families

RaiseYourRights is committed to ensuring families have the right to a trial by jury in family and juvenile dependency court cases. We want to promote settlement, put an end to unwarranted governmental interference in families, and break up the collusion in these court systems. We are seeking fair trials for California families brought into our court systems. Our goal is to have this initiative on the California ballot for the voters to decide upon, but we need your help!

  • We're fighting for mother's rights and father's rights
  • We aim to achieve outcomes in the best interest of the child
  • We advocate for judicial independence and against unwarranted governmental interference in families
  • We advocate for reducing false allegations and promoting settlement regarding legal rights aka custody of children
Join Our Movement for parental rights

We're Making Progress

The California Office of the Attorney General gives strict timelines to collect the 546,651 valid registered voter’s signatures when we are allowed to circulate them again. Please be sure to sign up to receive email updates and to allow us to send you the new petition for circulation!

Enter your email to receive the petition and be able to circulate it!

Want to join our effort to get parental rights on the california ballot ?

Here's How You Can Help