Help us get our citizen's initiative on California's ballot

Enter your email below to join the movement to secure jury trial rights for California parents!

Raise Your Rights

We're Fighting to Keep Families Together is a non-profit organization dedicated to giving California parents jury trial rights when summoned into a family or juvenile dependency court. Our goals are to end all false allegations, to promote settlement, and to limit unwarranted governmental interference in families by giving parents the Constitutional layer of protection of jury trial rights.

546,651 signatures needed from
CA voters

Have Your Voice Heard

Cases involving removing custody, or legal rights to children, are heard by a judge in CA family and juvenile dependency courts.  Never by a jury. This puts families at risk of long, drawn-out, highly damaging court cases. The right to a decisive trial by jury gives targeted parents a way through this difficult process in a fairer, more democratic way (if needed).  Review our pending 2024 petition below. Then join today!

Check Out Our Blog For Insights

Read the blog from our Executive Director for updates, news, and more about our ballot initiative.

Donate & Help Us Get On the Ballot

Donations will fund our boots-on-the-ground effort to collect the required “in-person” signatures 

Read Our Ballot Measure's Fiscal Impact Report

Read the California Attorney General’s prepared title, summary, and fiscal impact on California taxpayers.

Get Involved and Join The Fight

RaiseYourRights needs your help to ensure our citizens’ initiative makes it on the California ballot. Can you help us?

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