We need to find out what happened to the children the State of California has legal rights to during this pandemic.  Children that are “hard to place” usually means that they end up in state run group homes or with horrific foster families.  

For example, in Santa Clara County in California, John Hardy Jackson was convicted and sentenced to 220 years in jail for sex acts committed against the foster children in his custody.  A civil jury took it a step further and four years later ordered the self-serving Giaretto Institute to pay a former foster child of Jackson’s, $22 million.  Giaretto Institute had licensed Jackson so they could place children in his home and receive money from California for those children. The boy was returned to his father and you can read more about it here.  

Here is a recent news clip on the plight of children in Washington state. They are being placed in hotel rooms,  which is better care than what I think California’s children are receiving. Hopefully someone will investigate the State of California and find out what happened to our foster children in 2020? The Family First Prevention Services Act was passed into law to try and force the State of California, and private organizations like the Giaretto Institute, to place children with extended family.  It has met with tremendous resistance in California because the self-serving governmental agencies, and these privately run organization, will get less money, but our children will get more, LOVE, if they are placed with family members that love them. 

Please watch who you donate to and consider joining RaiseYourRights.org to give parents jury trial rights to protect their families from unwarranted governmental interference (UGI).

“One solution, some child welfare experts say, is to temporarily stop doing the one thing that all child welfare agencies are continuing to do during the pandemic: removing children from their parents”  and/or their extended families 
