08 Mar 50 50 parenting laws equals UGI (Unwarranted Governmental Interference) in families
Demanding that judges enforce laws created by state legislature ordering 50/50 shared parenting is unwarranted governmental interference (UGI) in divorcing families. RaiseYourRights.org is dedicated to helping parents stay out of court. We are determined to help parents solve their differences in parenting styles, skills, resources, time, etc. far away from the colluding AFCCnet. org court members (judges, attorneys, psychologists, custody evaluators, therapists, etc.). Raising a child requires flexibility, stability, consistency, security, emotional support, LOVE, education, positive role models, structure, etc. Asking a judge to order parents to provide all of these things and more, 50% of the time, is utterly ridiculous and should be used only as a last resort. Demanding 50/50 shared parenting laws is unwarranted governmental interference (UGI). A judge can easily order that each parent gets exactly 50% of the decision making and time that goes into raising a child already. The few states that have 50/50 shared parenting laws have so many exceptions to those laws, they create even more UGI in families.
Children need a primary caregiver for predictability, familiarity, normality, stability, security etc. All of the things that help your young child reach his/her full potential. The family courts keep getting this wrong.
Legal rights of children used to be given solely to fathers who weren’t usually the primary caregiver of young children. Mothers were then granted/not granted visitation rights by fathers. Then legal rights were given to mothers who granted/denied visitation rights to fathers. Still wrong. Now splitting custody exactly 50/50 is being touted by proponents wanting judges to be ordered to ignore primary caregivers and interfere in divorcing families day to day activities. Just Say No to proponents of 50/50 shared custody laws demanding unwarranted governmental interference in families (UGI). UGI will quickly become warranted when parents don’t send their child to school because they can’t agree on where. UGI will become warranted when crucial medical decisions and mental health decisions aren’t being made for a child because both parents won’t agree. UGI will quickly become warranted when the older minor child revolts against one or both parents and starts making illegal or harmful decisions on their own. UGI will quickly become warranted in who knows how many other different ways? We don’t needs laws demanding that a judge orders 50% of the legal rights of child to both parents. Judges can do that all by themselves and they already do.
Something to keep in mind for divorcing parents. You enter family court with no stated percentage of custody of your child. Your goal, for the sake of your child(ren) should be to leave court with the same. Here is a link to help divorcing parents work out their own schedule Parenting Plans – custody_famlaw_selfhelp
Join RaiseYourRights.org today and help prevent UGI in families. Raise Your Rights is dedicated to ending false allegations, promoting settlement and keeping families intact after a divorce, and after a parent(s) is brought into a dependency (CPS) court by the State of California. Join RaiseYourRIghts.org today to help stop UGI in families.