How effective is the California Commission on Judicial Performance, the CJP?

How effective is the California Commission on Judicial Performance, the CJP?

Well, the California Legislative Branch recently decided to audit the CJP after receiving numerous complaints that it was ineffective at best, and protecting bad judges at worst. In summary, the CJP audit found that “Weaknesses in Its Oversight Have Created Opportunities for Judicial Misconduct to Persist” and you can view the report released April 25, 2019 here.

The CJP’s response to the audit was a request to increase their budget, but the legislature kept it at approximately $5.2 million per year forcing the CJP to find ways to improve its services and cut costs. What should the CJP do? For starters, it should accept online complaints as it agreed to do. I just checked, and the CJP still doesn’t allow online complaints. That to me is a good start., but the CJP still hasn’t made this change a year and a half later.

So what are we left with? A defunded, even less effective CJP ineffective at stopping unwarranted governmental interference, “UGI”. Jury trials #PreventUGI.
