No. A word of caution when only hearing one side of the story from someone you don’t know and someone you never met. If this person comes from Facebook? Most likely you have no idea of where in the world they live and what laws customs, and regulations apply to them based on their communities.

Share and support your side of the story with your friends and family as your own private Court of Social Media? Absolutely, but first ask yourself “Why” before you ask them “What to do” to settle your family law cases #PromoteSettlement and prevent unwarranted governmental interference (UGI) in your family #PreventUGI. There is a Ted talk put on by psychologist Tasha Eurich, of the Eurich Group. Her progressive research has shown that we can’t easily access our subconscious. Freud was wrong about that. I personally think that should have been obvious over 80 years ago. You may need those closest to you, to help you see things differently and to be open to their suggestions. The Eurich TED talk is about increasing your self-awareness which might help you #ResolveConflictQuickly for the sake of your children and there very very important childhoods.