We invite anyone to comment here if you have entered a family law or dependency courtroom only to find yourself facing a family law attorney on the bench. Talk about collusion, right? As if the public is not already outraged enough about the collusion between judges, attorneys, minor counsel, social workers, child custody evaluators, minor’s counsel, psychologists, mediators, therapists, etc inside of the AFCC, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. See the invitation put out by Santa Clara County’s Presiding Judge Beth McGowen, this year, HERE

Has RaiseYourRights.org done anything to stop this collusion? Absolutely.  Child custody evaluators made millions decimating California families as part of the $50 Billion dollar industry that still controls the family and juvenile dependency courts. However, parents are saying “no more” and both sides are refusing to cooperate. Both sides are refusing to be ordered by a judge (or their own family law attorney) to pay for one to come to court and testify against him or her.